Swimming Pool Help Forum becomes authority

The Swimming Pool Help Forums have been elevated to authority status by Google. With over 17 million 200 million 1,04 trillion results for pool help, the forums have been given special directory status with a list of Swimming Pool Forum site links. Well done guys! You should be proud of your achievements.

Google sitelinks for Pool Help Forum

Coming in second is Swimming Pool Maintenance, an undisputible authority on swimming pool care and swimming pools.

It looks like you lucky people are in for a busy summer with a Google thumbs-up like that. Keep up the good work.

92 thoughts on “Swimming Pool Help Forum becomes authority

  1. Well done to the people at the forums. I enjoy visiting for their good advice and no-nonsense approach to pool help.

    The best thing for me is that you can remain anonymous and still read everything as well as post to the forums. There is also no forum spam so the pages are clean and family friendly.

  2. When an inexperienced pool person opened my above ground pool he dumped in a load of leaves off the cover.

    Now, the bottom of the pool is covered with green algae – we have shocked the pool 3 times, but can’t get rid of the green on the bottom of the pool.

    What can I do?

    thank you
    betty Hart

  3. Well done guys. Forums are such a good way for advice to be exchanged and anything that gets good, topic specific advice to pool owners must be applauded

  4. Has anyone used this Pool Studio 3D Pool Design Software before? It looks incredible, but I would love some feedback!

  5. I am having problems betting the pump primed so we can to begin to circulate water and start a chemical maintance program any help would be great. We dont do a lot of pools and am really tired of not knowing the pumping system and proper valve operation.

    Thanks in advance

  6. I have just come across this is site and have found it to be most helpful. This software looks great, going to have to see what it all in tails. This is going to be a useful resource.

  7. This look interesting,so far.
    If there’s anyone else here, let me know.
    Oh, and yes I’m a real person LOL.


  8. Bev Says:
    October 10th, 2009 at 17:34
    I’ve been having a major problem lately. Everyday when our pool overflow turns on I have a constant knocking sound in my bathroom toilet. It appears that the builder only put in one line in the back of our home for the pool overflow line, which includes the bathroom water line, everyday when the overflow goes on to keep the pool at a constant water level, the knocking starts and does not stop until the overflow from the spa to the pool goes off. I have shut off the lever in the back of our home to stop the knocking of the toiler, but that shuts off the water to the overflow to the pool, and when the pool loses water after normal evaporation I either need to use the hose or turn back the water line, so that really doesn’t solve our issue. Does anyone out there know what we can do to stop this issue. I had a plumber and his brilliant idea was to lower the lever half way, but of course that did not stop the knocking sound, so I’m hoping someone out this is honest and intelligent enough to have an answer to this problem.

  9. I only just discovered this site, but I’ll sure return often from now on. Decent sites with information about pools are hard to find, especially in Germany, Thus, I shall use my humble english skills and see where this site gets me 😉

  10. Very good job indeed. Swimming pools are becoming part of many home owners lives. It is nice to have one place where you can get all the info and that’s exactly what the site has done.

  11. Great job guys. Its actually pretty tough job to top the Google listings. Your site is worth to be on top. Good knowledge base for total pool maintenance.

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