Swimming Pool Help Forum becomes authority

The Swimming Pool Help Forums have been elevated to authority status by Google. With over 17 million 200 million 1,04 trillion results for pool help, the forums have been given special directory status with a list of Swimming Pool Forum site links. Well done guys! You should be proud of your achievements.

Google sitelinks for Pool Help Forum

Coming in second is Swimming Pool Maintenance, an undisputible authority on swimming pool care and swimming pools.

It looks like you lucky people are in for a busy summer with a Google thumbs-up like that. Keep up the good work.

92 thoughts on “Swimming Pool Help Forum becomes authority

  1. Appreciate all the posts here, they are really helpful especially for pool owners and those who are just planning to have one.

  2. i also had a better option for the pool owner that is of Above ground swimming pools. Above ground swimming pools help you in many ways and also to save your many also..To know more about this and special offers visit the link..

  3. I would love to have something like this in my home. Having a pool in your house is a dream for most people. Having a pool in your home provides an excellent setting to a party that you may want to host. How exciting!!!

  4. I want to thank TSHTech who helped me to install a pair of SR Smith 30” Figure 4 Handrails. His instructions on Thu 11 Apr,2013 were excellent and the rails look fantastic. No problems following the information. Thank you again.. Aurora J. Rosello

  5. I have an above ground pool and I’ve fought problems for several years now. I can vacuum the pool and a few minutes later its dirty again. It’s black looking spots on the bottom and I can vacuum them and they disappear & come right back.
    I’ve used bottles of algacide & bags of shock And can not get rid of it.
    Today there’s a ton of sponge like stuff in my filter basket. It’s yellow & looks spongy! I’ve really sickened over all these problems and just want to enjoy my pool for once!
    Please help me!

  6. Congrats on the listing, but I don’t think there are really 1.04 TRILLION results. There probably aren’t that many pages on the entire internet=)

    (Update) It looks like some people do estimate that there are a Trillion pages on the internet, but they can’t all have to do with pools can they?

    Again, congrats!

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